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University of Florida
The University of Florida is a public research facility in Gainesville, Florida. UFlorida has highly-regarded athletics and consistent placements into investment banking. Of note, UFlorida offers an elite Master of Science in Finance (MSF) program that is a strong pipeline to the top investment banks.
UFlorida is ranked #44 on our investment banking target school list, earning it a designation as a lower semi-target school. UFlorida's distribution of investment banking placements is quite lopsided, in which top-tier offers are reserved for a very small group of students.
UFlorida is home to the Warrington College of Business, which offers business programs for both graduates and undergraduates.

UFlorida has a strong Elite Firms % of 46%, which indicates that nearly half of all graduates end up at one of the top 5 investment banks. This is largely-driven by UFlorida's extremely strong relationship with Evercore, which represents 29% of all of UFlorida's hires. (Sidenote: This certainly coincides with my experience at Evercore, which recruited a ton of Gators).
UFlorida is held back on our ranking by its Undergrad Placement % of 0.10%, which suggests that a large proportion of students do not have great finance opportunities.

Our investment banking target school list is a complete rank of 60 schools and analyzed >60k LinkedIn profiles of professionals who worked in investment banking between 2008 and 2023. We filtered the data to examine U.S. hires into the top investment banks.
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